Worth Beyond Measure 2024 Summer Mentoring Program

an advertisement for a summer mentoring program for middle and high school girls
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Worth Beyond Measure Summer Mentoring Programs

  • a purple shirt that says worth beyond measure

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    Worth Beyond Measure Summer Mentoring Program - More photos to come!

  • a group of girls are posing for a picture on a stage

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  • a group of girls standing on a stage holding certificates

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  • a group of women are posing for a picture in front of a stage

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Worth Beyond Measure Summer Mentoring Program - Culminating Ceremony/Princess Ball

(See our PHOTO GALLERY page for more photos!)


Testimonials from Girls:

“I would attend again because it’s uplifting to my spirit and shows awareness to girls like me.”
- 14 yr old participant

“I love this program, it’s a happy place.” - 12 yr old participant

“I liked the stories people told.” - 12 yr old participant

“I liked the energy they gave off. I had fun and learned a lot the past few weeks and I would like to continue it next year.” - 15 yr old participant

“I learned so much. It taught you about your self worth.” - 16 yr old participant
“It was fun and I enjoyed myself.” - 13 yr old participant
“The vibe is great, the people are nice, they make you feel like family.” - 14 yr old participant
“It’s definitely a comfort zone.” - 13 yr old participant
“This program teaches us girls a lot, and next year I could learn a lot more.” - 14 yr old participant
“I love the all-girls environment. When we split up into groups we had Real talk.” - 17 yr old participant
“It gave us a chance to be social.” - 14 yr old participant
“It was fun and interactive. I liked the counselors energy the best.” - 14 yr old participant
“It was very inspiring to me.” - 14 yr old participant

Testimonials from Adults:

“My granddaughter felt “safe & comfortable” in expressing her feelings rather it is in verbal or written (journaling). After leaving each session she came back willingly sharing, asking questions and opening up an honest/open communication.” - Adult

“She learned more from different women and knowing that she is not alone. Somebody else is feeling like you. She liked meeting new people and learning from her peers.” - Adult

“What I liked best about the program was the message - even though there may be obstacles in life, they don’t define you.” - Adult

“I believe this program has been effective in many ways. Allows them to embrace more conversations for us to discuss at home! I’ve appreciated the positive influence it’s had on my daughter.” - Adult

“It teaches your girls how to love & respect themselves. I enjoyed how you all worked with the girls telling how to take care of themselves. How not to let people define them.” - Adult

“It’s a great experience for young ladies as they grow into womanhood and to see differently.”
- Adult

“It was female empowering.” - Adult

“My daughter learned so much about her body, working, and what women can do if they put their mind to it.” - Adult

“As a single parent I’m unable to do it ALL so I rely on my village for support/prayers. Y.E.S. program has been a part of our village/family for years and always made a tremendous impact educationally, spiritually, mentally.” - Adult

“Before this my daughter didn’t do much, she stayed to herself, now she is happy and wanting to be involved with other girls.” - Adult

“She has become more vocal, not as shy and soft spoken anymore.” - Adult

“I see the twinkle in her eye when she talks about the program. I see how she has more confidence and embraces herself.” - Adult

Thank you to our Sponsors & Donors...

You are making dreams come true!


Bakker Family Foundation

Beauty Works, LLC

Carpet Wholesalers

Charleston County Council

Charleston County School District

Chatman Realty Group/Shakeima Chatman

Christian Broadcasting Network

City of Charleston

City of North Charleston

Coastal Community Foundation

Dominion Energy

Joshua Downey

Events For You, LLC - Karen Downey

First Step Counselling - Dr. Shanelle Fields

Bethany Flugence

Delores Gibson

Grace Church Cathedral

Tandra Ingram

Kathryn & Robert Jenkins

Butch & Lisa Kennedy

Krispy Kreme

Linda Lucas

Mary Kay Beauty Consultants

Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church

Lilly Porter & Joshua Bivens

Purpose Made Alive/Lynette Lewis

Roper St. Francis Healthcare

Monica Downey Singletary

South Carolina Federal Credit Union

South State Bank

Steinberg Law Firm

TGI Management/Tandra Jones

United Way


Walmart - Tanger

Bishop Glovina Williams

Henrietta Woodward

This was a virtual event and has already taken place - You can watch the recordings by clicking on the buttons below.

a flyer for the worth beyond measure mentoring program
Click Here to Watch Session 1 with Jackie Brewton Click Here to Watch Session 2 with Ocielia Gibson Click Here to Watch Session 3 Let's Hear It From the Boys

Thank you to our Sponsors & Donors...

You are making dreams come true!


Coastal Community Foundation - Facebook

Dominion Energy

Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation

The InterTech Group, Inc.

The Joanna Foundation

The Westbrook Foundation


Delores Gibson

Tandra Ingram

Lynette Lewis - Purpose Made Alive

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